Consistent Economic Growth
Australia has a vast and rapidly expanding economy and a pension market of distinct global significance - a highly attractive and sophisticated source of capital for asset managers.
One of the World’s Largest Asset Pools
Assets Under Management in the Australian superannuation industry presently total around $3.9 trillion, representing the world’s 4th largest investment asset pool.
Fastest Growing Assets
Australia is also the fastest growing market in the world, set to become the 2nd largest pool of investment capital globally over the coming years.
Top Investors Globally
A continuing trend of consolidation in the industry in tandem with its exponential growth, will soon see top Australian superannuation funds rank among the worlds' largest.
Strong Demand for Investment Product
The Australian market maintains a relatively high allocation to listed equities, with allocations to defensive and alternative asset classes on the rise, with an increasingly international focus.
New Zealand, One of the Most Globalised Economies
NZ Super Fund is one of the world's most innovative Sovereign Wealth Funds. NZ also boasts Commissions, Trusts, Family Offices and its >NZD 95 billion voluntary pension scheme, KiwiSaver.
Commitment Brings Rewards
Success in this market requires significant strategy and perseverance over time. Introvest provides a local presence and an outsourced regional sales and marketing function for its partners.
Access to an Established Investor Network
Introvest provides strategic access to its broad, long-established and ever-evolving network of investors and gatekeepers in Australia and New Zealand, saving its partners significant time, cost and effort.